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Field Trip: Perkins Woods

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Perkins Woods is a hotspot for warblers and other migrating birds. Look for spring wildflowers, too.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the corner of Ewing Avenue and Grant Street; park along Ewing Avenue.

Leader: John Bates


Field Trip: The Grove, Glenview

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Look for warblers and other migrating species in this ecologically diverse prairie habitat.

Meet at 8:00 a.m. in the second parking lot that leads to the Interpretive Center.

Leader: Nancy Halliday


Field Trip: Montrose Point CANCELLED!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Join us for a morning at Montrose Point, a premier migration location in Chicago due to its habitat diversity and location along a natural corridor for migrants.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the handicapped parking area.  

Leaders:  Libby Hill


Field Trip: Gillson Park Sunday Walks

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Go Green Wilmette partners with the Wilmette Park District to host bird walks at Gillson Park during Spring migration.

Meet at 8 a.m. at the purple martin house next to the Coast Guard station building.

Leader: Varies; for more information contact Annie Wolter,



Field Trip: Jackson Park and Lakefront - Wooded island

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Wooded Island within Jackson Park is a bird-watcher's paradise for spring and autumn migrants. More than 250 species of birds have been identified as either permanent residents or migrants passing through this special area.  Birdwatching at Jackson Park was featured on Geoffrey Baer's Beautiful Places in Chicago in December, 2023.

Park on the south side of the Museum of Science and Industry after driving on the east side of the building. Meet at the parking lot at 7:30 a.m.

Leader: Dick Young

Register with


World Migratory Bird Day

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day! Join one of the many events hosted by ENSBC, Evanston Public Library, Ecology Center, and Levy Center:

ENSBC Field Trips--see details on ENSBC website under Field Trip dates of May 7,8,9,10,11

EPL Robert Crown Branch- all week  May 6-11th activities with Craft kits, kid's storytime, and "Why Birds Need Bugs" film; see full listing of events at

Ecology Center - 9:30 am-11:am Birding by Boat May 11, contact Ecology Center to register at 847.448.8256

Levy Center- 1:30pm-3:30pm Drawing Birds with the Field Museum

This program will be a special treat for artists and would-be artists. Be inspired by looking closely at real bird specimens.  John Bates, Field Museum Life Sciences Curator, will tell of each bird’s travel and family experience, and Peggy Macnamara, Artist-in-Residence at the Field, will give you simple tips on how to represent each bird correctly.  Art supplies will be provided.  All ages are welcome.  Children under 18 must come with an adult chaperone. The program is free, but registration is required. To register call the Levy Center at 847.448.8250, and provide program code 11359.




Field Trip: Northwestern University Campus

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The NU campus has long been a stopover for migrants of all kinds headed north.  

Meet at 7:30 a.m. on the lakeside of the upper deck of the NU south parking lot, located off Sheridan Road and Clark Street, north of Clark Street Beach.

Leaders: Libby Hill and TBA


Field Trip: Skokie Lagoons

Friday, May 10, 2024

These trips pack a great list of warbler species during spring migration.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. at Erickson Woods Forest Preserve parking lot. Turn north into the parking lot from Willow Road, just east of the Eden's Expressway.

Leaders: Ed and Rebecca Rice



Thursday, May 9, 2024

Perkins Woods is a hotspot for warblers and other migrating birds. Look for spring wildflowers, too.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the corner of Ewing Avenue and Grant Street; park along Ewing Avenue.

Leader: John Bates and Josh Engel


Field Trip: West Ridge Nature Park

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

We will look for warblers and other migrants, local raptors and more. 

Meet at 8:30 a.m. at WRNP main entrance (5801 N. Western Avenue). Free parking on both sides of Western Avenue.

Leader: Scott Judd


Field Trip: Harbert Payne Park, Evanston

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Look for early spring warblers and other migrants in one of Evanston's newest ecologically managed sites along the North Shore Channel.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the parking lot at the intersection of Bradley Place and McDaniel Avenue, enter from Main Street.

Leader: Judy Pollock


Field Trip: Gillson Park Sunday Walks

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Go Green Wilmette partners with the Wilmette Park District to host bird walks at Gillson Park during Spring migration.

Meet at 8 a.m. at the purple martin house next to the Coast Guard station building.

Leader: Varies; for more information contact Annie Wolter,



Spring Bird Count

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Illinois State Spring Bird Count (SBC) is an annual bird census performed by volunteers in each county, on the first Saturday in May.

To learn more about this effort see  To join the effort for Cook County, see the contacts for county compilers at  Additional guidance can be found at

Let's get out and count those birds!



Field Trip: Waukegan Beach (rain date)

Friday, May 3, 2024

This is a rain date for Waukegan Beach Field Trip scheduled Wednesday, May 1.


Field Trip: Perkins Woods

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Perkins Woods is a hotspot for warblers and other migrating birds. Look for spring wildflowers, too.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the corner of Ewing Avenue and Grant Street; park along Ewing Avenue.

Leader: John Bates


Field Trip: Waukegan Beach

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

We will spend the morning birding the beach, swales, and wooded lots of the Waukegan Beach area. On the beach, we will be targeting migrant shorebirds. In the wooded lots and beachfront park, migrant warblers can be abundant on the right day. We will be hiking around 1-2 miles at a birder's pace. Leader will have a scope but you are welcome to bring one. Hiking boots or sneakers are both appropriate, but be prepared for walking on sand. Duration about 3 hours. Rain date Friday, May 3, 2024.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. , see pin at

Leader: Adam Sell

Registration is required and space is limited to 10 participants. Register with Libby Hill at


PROGRAM: Chris Whelan "Nests and Nesting Ecology"

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

In person at Robert Crown Community Center, 1801 Main St., Evanston NOTE DATE CHANGE!

Chris Whelan, University of Illinois at Chicago: "Nests and Nesting Ecology"

The amazing diversity of bird species on Earth is matched by the diversity of nests that birds build, and the unique nesting ecology of each bird species. While some nests share certain characteristics (e.g., open cup, platform, pendulous, among many others), the nest of each species is unique. Many bird species are master builders -- to verify this, just try to construct a nest out of grass clippings and twigs yourselves. There are exceptions to this of course -- many species simply create a shallow scrape, and the familiar mourning dove builds nests so flimsy that they often do not last through the entire nest attempt. In this presentation, we will consider the diversity of nests, review what is known about bird nest-construction behavior, and highlight the importance of nesting ecology in the life history of birds. We will consider how human activity has affected nesting ecology, both for the good and for the bad.  Chris Whelan, in the Biology Department, University of Illinois at Chicago, will share techniques for studying and quantifying bird nesting ecology, and some of the controversies surrounding some of these techniques. The overall goal is to develop a greater appreciation for this amazing and critical aspect of bird biology and natural history.

Field Trip: Gillson Park Sunday Walks

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Go Green Wilmette partners with the Wilmette Park District to host bird walks at Gillson Park during Spring migration.

Meet at 8 a.m. at the purple martin house next to the Coast Guard station building.

Leader: Varies; for more information contact Annie Wolter,


Field Trip: Big Marsh Park

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Big Marsh is an extensive urban wetland for water-loving birds including familiar species like Great Blue Herons,Great Egrets and Mallards, as well as lesser-known and highly secretive marsh birds like Virginia Rail, Least Bittern and Common Gallinule.

Meet 7 a.m. at the Ford Calumet Environmental Center.

Register with

Leader: Carl Giometti 


Field Trip: Woodcock Walk at Air Station Prairie

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Our first opportunity this spring to look for the magical displays of the woodcocks at dusk.

Meet at 6:45 p.m., on the deck of the Tyner Interpretive Center at Air Station Prairie, 2400 Compass Rd., Glenview.

Leader: Jeff Sanders

 Register with Libby Hill

