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Chicago Urban Christmas Bird Count

Sunday, December 18, 2022

For more information, contact Jeff Sanders,


Program: All About Parrots

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Taylor Hains has had a life-long fascination with parrots, a pantropical family with almost 400 species.  He also developed a passion for genomics.  As a graduate student with the Committee on Evolutionary Biology at the University of Chicago, he is combining these interests.  He will talk about how genomics can help understand how New World parrots have diversified and be used as a tool to help conserve them into the future. o

Field Trip: Jeff Sanders Annual fall specialty trip

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Jeff Sanders Annual fall specialty trip

North Shore lakefront. 52nd Annual Jeff Sanders’ Fall Specialty Trip.  Gillson Park, Maple Park, Tower Road Park, Park Ave., Rose Beach in Highland Park, and other areas as time permits. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at Gillson Park Beach.  If you want to see way out onto the lake, bring your own scope. For more details and to register, contact Jeff Sanders at


Program: What Explains Colors and Patterns on Animals?

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

7:30 p.m.

Coloration and patterns (spots, stripes, etc.) are important elements of animal morphology. What accounts for the colors and the patterns we use to recognize animals and birds?  Velizar Simeonovski, zoologist and artist, Associate of the Field Museum Life Sciences Section, will present some of the current understandings and unknowns regarding the developmental mechanisms and the function of the coloration and patterns in birds, mammals and other vertebrate animals. 

Field Trip: Northwestern University Campus North

Saturday, October 8, 2022

October is sparrows' peak migration time.  Also look for late fall warblers, both kinglets, Brown Creepers and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and maybe Jaegers or Franklin's Gulls. Meet at 8 am at the north end of campus.  Turn east on Lincoln Street into campus.  Stay on Campus Drive to the parking lot by the lake.  Leaders:  Sarah Flax and Libby Hill.

Field Trip: Perkins Woods

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Enclore bird walk in Perkins Woods!  Meet at the corner of Bennett and Colfax at 7:30 a.m.  Look for late migrating birds. Leader: John Bates.

Field Trip: Perkins Woods NEW MEETING LOCATION

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Look for fall warblers, thrushes and other migrants.  Meet at 7:30 a.m.AT BENNETT AND COLFAX UNDER THE OAKS. t.  Leader: John Bates 

Cape May Migration Madness

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Sept 29 - Oct 3, 2022 (5 days)
Red Hill Birding: Special for the Evanston North Shore Bird Club
Tour leader: Jason Weckstein
$1775 per person sharing; $420 single supplement)
Maximum 7 participants

Trip Full!


PROGRAM: Flycatchers of Illinois and How to Identify Them: Geoff Williamson

Tuesday, September 27, 2022



                  Confused by flycatcher identification? Geoff Williamson’s presentation will discuss what to look for, and what to listen to, when trying to put names to the summering and migrant flycatchers of Illinois. Geoff groups the various species systematically and by ID problems, both “easy” and hard. He will also address the special problems posed by rarities.

                        Geoff has given many presentations to enthusiastic ENSBC audiences in the past, and we are delighted to anticipate yet another evening with Geoff.

About Geoff:  For decades Geoff Williamson has been active in local, state, and national birding organizations. Currently he heads the Illinois Ornithological Records Committee of the Illinois Ornithological Society and is co-compiler of the Illinois-Indiana region's seasonal reports for North American Birds, the journal of ornithological record published by the American Birding Association. He is a recipient of the American Birding Association's Ludlow Griscom Award, given for outstanding contributions in regional ornithology. He founded Third Coast Birding to foster an appreciation for and connection to the birds of the Great Lakes region and beyond.





Field Trip: Canal Shores Golf Course South Loop

Sunday, September 25, 2022

7:30 a.m.

Canal Shores Golf Course South Loop


Meet on Lincoln St in Evanston, just East of the Canal and walk the south birding loop.  Free street parking. Participation limited to 15 people. Register with Matt Rooney at


Field Trip: Northwestern University Campus North

Saturday, September 24, 2022

8:00 a.m.

Northwestern University Campus North

 The NU campus has long been a stopover for migrants of all kinds headed south. NEW LOCATION: Meet at the north end of campus.  Turn east on Lincoln Street into the campus. You will be on Campus Drive. Stay on Campus Drive, which winds around several buildings until you get to the parking lot by the lake.  Leaders: Libby Hill and Sarah Flax.  


Field Trip: Birds & Coffee at Jarvis Bird Sanctuary

Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday mornings at Jarvis Bird Sanctuary from 7:30-9:30. Park in the metered Waveland Parking Lot (map here: and meet on the viewing platform on the east side of the fenced-in bird sanctuary (map here: The leaders, from Red Hill Birding, will be on the platform from 7:30-9:30, so you can come any time. Coffee and fixings are provided.

Field Trip: Perkins Woods NEW MEETING LOCATION

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Look for fall warblers, thrushes and other migrants.  Meet at 7:30 a.m. corner of  BENNETT  AND COLFAX. UNDER  THE OAKS. Leaders: John Bates and Josh Engel

Field Trip: Canal Shores Golf Course North Loop

Sunday, September 18, 2022

7:30 a.m.

Canal Shores Golf Course North Loop

Meet on Maple Ave in Wilmette just West of the Canal and walk the golf course’s north birding loop.  Free street parking. Participation limited to 15 people. Register with Matt Rooney at

Field Trip: Northwestern University Campus

Saturday, September 17, 2022

8:00 a.m.

Northwestern University Campus

The NU campus has long been a stopover for migrants of all kinds headed south. Park on the lakeside of the upper deck of the south parking lot off Sheridan Rd. and Clark St., north of Clark St. beach, at 8:00 A.M.  Leaders: Libby Hill and Sarah Flax.

Field Trip: Birds & Coffee at Jarvis Bird Sanctuary

Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday mornings at Jarvis Bird Sanctuary from 7:30-9:30. Park in the metered Waveland Parking Lot (map here: and meet on the viewing platform on the east side of the fenced-in bird sanctuary (map here: The leaders, from Red Hill Birding, will be on the platform from 7:30-9:30, so you can come any time. Coffee and fixings are provided.

Field Trip: West Ridge Nature Park NEW TRIP

Friday, September 16, 2022

We will look for warblers, other migrants, local raptors, etc. Meet at 8 a.m. at WRNP main entrance (5801 N. Western Avenue). Free street parking on both sides of Western Avenue.  Leader:  Scott Judd

Field Trip: Perkins Woods NEW MEETING LOCATION

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Perkins Woods. Look for fall warblers, thrushes and other migrants.  NOTE NEW MEETING LOCATION: Meet at 7:30 a.m. corner of BENNETT AND COLFAX, UNDER THE OAKS.  Leaders: John Bates and Josh Engel


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Waukegan Beach  7:30 a.m.


It's hard to beat Waukegan Beach in September.  Shorebirds are moving through in good numbers and migrant warblers begin to reach their peak.  We will spend the morning birding the beach, swales, and wooded lots of the Waukegan Beach area.  On the beach, we will be targeting migrant shorebirds, where a good morning could include Baird's and Semipalmated Sandpipers, Sanderling, and others.  In previous years, more specialties have shown up including Whimbrel and Buff-breasted Sandpiper, so we will be ever-vigilant.  In the swales, we will keep our eyes peeled for early waterfowl and lingering Least Bitterns which breed amongst the reeds.  In the wooded lots and beachfront park, migrant warblers can be abundant on the right day, and we hope to find Blackpoll, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, Wilson's and Magnolia Warblers among the 20+ that could be present.  We will be hiking the beach and wooded lots, which will total around 1-2 miles of walking at a birder's pace.  Adam will have a scope, but if you enjoy carrying your own, you are more than welcome to bring one. Hiking boots or sneakers are both appropriate for this walk, but please be prepared for walking on sand.  Duration: ~3 hours.  Leader:  Adam Sell.

Meet at 7:30 a.m. Here is the pin for where we will meet: 

Registration is required and space is limited to 10 participants. Register with  One space remaining!

Field Trip: Canal Shores Golf Course South Loop

Sunday, September 11, 2022

7:30 a.m.

Canal Shores Golf Course South Loop


Meet on Lincoln St in Evanston, just East of the Canal and walk the south birding loop.  Free Street Parking.Participation limited to 15 people. Register with Matt Rooney at

